Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Red and Green -Blue and Gold - Arrow of Light - Court of Honor

Mark Your Calendars!
I was able to reserve the Scout House for late Saturday afternoon, February 24th from 4 to 6 p.m. (with set-up and clean-up before and after) for the Second Annual Troop 95 - Pack 95 Red and Green - Blue and Gold - Arrow of Light - Court of Honor.  Please be sure to reserve the time.  Ben and Joshua  will be graduating to the troop.  We will also recognize Chandler who will be joining our troop after having completed his Cub Scout career in Cumberland, RI (his Arrow of Light Ceremony will be held a few weeks prior to ours).  We can decide later whether we want to have a pot luck or pizza and salad.  I hope everyone will be able to attend (families are invited).  If we decide on pizza, there will be a per person cost for the pizza (of course, we'll need to round up because we wouldn't charge our invited guests--probably several people from council).  I hope that a number of parents can volunteer to organize this year's event.  Volunteers?

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