Sunday, December 14, 2008

Monday, December 15th -- Holiday Sing Along

Holiday Sing Along

This Monday during the regular meeting time we will be singing holiday songs with the residents of Christopher Heights assisted living facility. This will be our tenth year singing with Scouts at area nursing homes or assisted living facilities. Christopher Heights is an assisted living facility (as opposed to a nursing home). Christopher Heights is located in downtown Attleboro at 45 South Main Street (across from the Sun Chronicle offices). Please meet in the lobby at 12:50 p.m. Even if you don't enjoy singing in public, you should plan to attend--consider it a Scout Good Turn.

Parents and siblings are welcome to sing too. We will not be walking the halls. Instead, we will gather in a community room and lead the residents in song. I am estimating that we will be singing for about 45 minutes to one hour.

Please note: I know we have a diverse group. Nearly all of the songs we will be singing are Christmas songs. We will be bringing along song sheets.

Parking may be a little difficult so please arrive a little early if you are planning to park (as opposed to slow down and toss your Scout(s) out the door).

Excellent behavior is expected.

Uniform: Regular tan Scout shirt with green pants.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Congratulations to the Scouts listed below who completed the arduous and exceptionally challenging Troop 95 Urban Hike '08. You have each earned the highly coveted Troop 95 Compass and Thermometer. It will be awarded at the next meeting.

Alex B.
Alex H.
Ben B.
Ben D.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Monday, November 24th Meeting--Urban Hike

Tomorrow's meeting (November 24th) will be a short urban hike. Please bring along a compass (if you have one). Also, please bring along a small notebook (the type that fits in a pocket) and pen. Boys who have cell phones should bring them along too. Bring along a canteen or bottle of water.

Bring $3 to $5 for spending money. This is a NEW course and the end point is not the same as the past 4 years. I will give the parents the pick-up point after the boys depart.

Please arrive on time (1 p.m.)

DRESS FOR THE WEATHER! You do not need to wear your uniform--just be sure to wear warms jeans or pants (no shorts), comfortable walking shoes (no sandals), and a coat (bring gloves too).

I will need a few parents to be on call. Volunteers?? The boys are going to hike on their own (in patrols or half-patrols), but I need a parent or two to be available in case of emergency (in fact, you can hang out at the final destination point--especially if you enjoy spinach and carrot juice).

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Monday, November 17th Field Trip


The troop will be meeting at Attleboro City Hall this Monday, November 17th at 12:50 p.m. Please gather (quietly) in the lobby--we will be meeting where the city council meets on the first floor. Attleboro City Hall is located at 77 Park Street.

Regular Tan Uniform.

Directions from the Scout House:

From Fourth Street, proceed to County Street (Route 123). Turn LEFT on County Street heading towards downtown Attleboro. At the center of town, go STRAIGHT at the traffic light (it isn't perfectly straight since Attleboro doesn't believe in 90 degree intersections) and head under the railroad overpass. Continue straight under the overpass. At the traffic light after the overpass, go straight. City Hall is on your right (across the street from the art museum). There is limited parking on the side street and in the small lot behind city hall (near the police station).

This is the last requirement (for most boys) for completion of the Public Health merit badge.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Camp Norse Camping Trip

The following boys are planning to attend the December 5 - 7 camping trip at Camp Norse:

Ben D.

This will be cabin/tent camping (if you have the proper gear you may tent).


Mr. Loggains
Ms. Loggains
Mr. Dubeau
Ms. Sullivan-Silva

Monday, November 10, 2008

Troop 95 Updates

Holiday Break:

The troop will be on holiday break during late December and early January. We will not meet on December 22nd, December 29th, and January 5th.

We will meet on November 24th (Thanksgiving week) and December 1st, 8th, and 15th.

After the holiday break, meetings will resume on January 12th. However, we will NOT meet on January 19th (Martin Luther King Day). Please note that Merit Badge College (MBC) will be held on the Saturday of MLK weekend. MBC is an optional activity, but most of the troop has attended during the past couple of years.


There is one more requirement for the Public Health merit badge (for most boys)--meeting with a town public health officer. We will meet with the Attleboro public health officer at Attleboro City Hall next Monday afternoon. Please gather in the lobby of Attleboro City Hall by 12:50 p.m. Tan uniform. Excellent behavior is expected.


We held our last Personal Management merit badge class this afternoon. Not a single boy has completed the badge (but a few are close). The list of badge info is on the right side of the blog (just below the schedule). I will not nag you at all about this badge. It is an Eagle badge and it involves PERSONAL MANAGEMENT so it'd be rather silly if I followed you around reminding you about the requirements you need to complete the badge. I will be closing out this badge on December 30th. If you have not completed the badge by that time you will be issued a partial. You will also need to find a new merit badge counselor after December 30th (which may mean going outside the troop).


I need at least ten boys in order to reserve the cabin at Camp Norse (yes, you also have the option to sleep outside in a tent). I have to pay when I make the reservation. Please let me know right away if you plan to attend. Cost is $25 per boy. Leaders and chaperones are free.


Troop 25 merit badge counselor and former Scoutmaster is offering the Environmental Science merit badge to boys in our troop who are First Class Scouts (or higher) OR at least thirteen years of age. The boys were given a flyer at today's meeting. He needs a commitment by next week. If you would like to take the badge with him, please let me know by this Friday evening.

Boys taking the badge will meet with the merit badge counselor once a month for five months (mostly during times when school kids are off). The first class begins the Friday after Thanksgiving. This class will be very hands-on with minimal reading and writing.

Merit Badge College '09

Merit Badge College will take place at Rhode Island College on Saturday, January 17, 2009.

Registration has opened. The cost is $20 per boy (includes classes and lunch).

The following boys have registered for the class(es) listed:

Kevin: Communications and TBD
Robert: Aviation and Dentistry

Sunday, November 9, 2008



This Monday, November 10th:

Personal Management Merit Badge Class at 12:20 p.m. (please bring along your career papers if you've completed them--need not be longer than a page).

Regular Meeting: Complete classroom portion of Public Health MB; Eagle Project Presentation

Regular tan uniform.


I would like to tentatively schedule a camping trip for the weekend of Dec 5-7 at Camp Norse. It would be combined tent/cabin camping. Please let me know by tomorrow if you would like to attend.

I also need a minimum of four adults per night to chaperone. Please let me know if you can chaperone. Camp Norse is an easy camping trip and fairly close by.

Our newest Scouts need an additional camping trip for Tenderfoot and/Second Class.


Registration for 2009 Merit Badge College is now open. This year MBC is held again at Rhode Island College on the Saturday of MLK, Jr. weekend. You need to register on your own. Cost is $20 per boy. Sign up early for best selection. I am willing to help out, but will need other parents to take a shift too (there's nothing for adults to do other than hang out in the event of an emergency--bring a book!).

There are LOTS of great merit badge opportunities and some wonderful counselors.

Please let me know if you plan to go!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Troop 95 Visits the Attleboro Wastewater Treatment Facility

Torrin - Matt -Chandler - Hunter - Robert - Ben D. - Aaron - Alex H. - Michael - Keighley - Jim - Indy
Not Shown: Alex B. - Ben B. - Kevin - Owen

Monday, October 20, 2008

Public Health Merit Badge

Field Trip to Attleboro Water Treatment Facility

October 2008

Back Row: Robert, Jim, Indy, Chandler, Hunter, Ben B.
Middle Row: Keighley, Aaron, Ben D., Alex B., Michael
Front Row: Torrin, Owen, Matt, Alex H.
Not Shown: Kevin

Monday, September 29, 2008

Public Health Merit Badge

The following boys have completed the requirements for the Public Health merit badge:


Alex H.

Ben D.











Alex B.: 2-6, 8

Ben B.: 2-6, 7, 8

Chris: 1-6, 8

Colt: 1, 2, 3

Dylan: part of req 1, 2, 3

Hunter: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7

Jake: 2, 3, 4, 6

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Nickerson State Park Camping Trip -- September '08

Rainfest '08

Robert, Indy, Ben B., Owen, Matt, Chandler, Alex H., Ben D., Aaron, Keighley

not shown: Jim (who was "medevac'd" out)

Ben B.


Chandler, Keighley, Ben B., Indy, Matt, Ben D., Alex H., Aaron



Ben D.

Chandler and Matt

Ben B.

Alex H.


Keighley and Aaron

Owen, Ben D., and Aaron




Alex H. and Matt

Monday, September 22, 2008

Next Court of Honor

The following boys have earned the rank, merit badges, or awards listed:

Aaron:  Totin' Chip, Firem'n Chit

Keighley:   Totin' Chip, Firem'n Chit

Kevin:  Citizenship in the Community

Friday, September 19, 2008

Camping Gear Check List

Winter Camping Equipment List


____ BACKPACK (or large Sports Equipment Bag, or Duffel Bag). Line it with Lawn Bag first, to keep contents dry.






____ LONG UNDERWEAR (optional at this time of year--keep an eye on the weather forecast)

____ 2 extra sets of UNDERWEAR

____ STURDY shoes


____ SOCKS (bring at least three extra pairs)


____ 2 WARM HATS (One for Sleeping ONLY-Sleeping hat should be designed to stay on at night).

____ ADDITIONAL SWEAT PANTS & SWEAT SHIRT (for sleeping only!).

____ MESS-KIT (BOWL, CUP, FORK, SPOON, PLATE -- heavy-duty plastic is warmer than metal).

____ FLASHLIGHT, EXTRA BULB & BATTERIES (Sounds obvious, but batteries should be the proper type for the flashlight you bring).

____ TOILET PAPER (Half a roll in a Zip-Lock bag).

____ PEN, PENCIL, SMALL NOTEPAD (No, you can't borrow ours).



____ CLEAN-UP KIT (Small Hand Soap, Small Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Comb, Floss, Towel).

____ SMALL FIRST AID KIT (You can make your own: BSA Handbook, Page 289).


____ POCKETKNIFE (Pocket knives are a privilege. You may carry one only after you have earned the Totin' Chip. New boys should bring their pocket knife in a ziploc bag and give it to a leader--it will be returned after you have earned your Totin' Chip. Pocket knife privileges may be revoked for ANY unsafe practices.)

____ GOOD QUALITY WHISTLE on neck chain.

____ TENT


____ Camp Chair

____ Books/Magazines

____ Deck of Cards

Monday, September 15, 2008

Personal Management Badge

Complete Req 1 prior to the first MB class on Monday, September 22nd at 12:15 p.m.:


  1. Do the following:
  2. Choose an item that your family might want to purchase that is considered a major expense.
  3. Write a plan that tells how your family would save money for the purchase identified in requirement 1a.
    1. Discuss the plan with your merit badge counselor
    2. Discuss the plan with your family
    3. Discuss how other family needs must be considered in this plan.
  4. Develop a written shopping strategy for the purchase identified in requirement 1a.
    1. Determine the quality of the item or service (using consumer publications or rating systems).
    2. Comparison shop for the item. Find out where you can buy the item for the best price. (Provide prices from at least two different price sources.) Call around; study ads. Look for a sale or discount coupon. Consider alternatives. Can you buy the item used? Should you wait for a sale?
  5. Do the following:
  6. Prepare a budget reflecting your expected income (allowance, gifts, wages), expenses, and savings. Track your actual income, expenses, and savings for 13 consecutive weeks. (You may use the forms provided in this pamphlet, devise your own, or use a computer generated version.) When complete, present the results to your merit badge counselor.
  7. Compare expected income with expected expenses.
    1. If expenses exceed income, determine steps to balance your budget.
    2. If income exceeds expenses, state how you would use the excess money (new goal, savings).


and begin (if you haven't already):

  1. Do the following:
  2. Prepare a budget reflecting your expected income (allowance, gifts, wages), expenses, and savings. Track your actual income, expenses, and savings for 13 consecutive weeks. (You may use the forms provided in this pamphlet, devise your own, or use a computer generated version.) When complete, present the results to your merit badge counselor.
  3. Compare expected income with expected expenses.
    1. If expenses exceed income, determine steps to balance your budget.
    2. If income exceeds expenses, state how you would use the excess money (new goal, savings).

Nickerson State Park Camping Trip

The following boys are planning to attend the Nickerson State Park camping trip.  The camping trip will take place from Thursday afternoon, September 25th to Saturday, morning September 27th.

Robert -- SPL

Eagle Patrol

Jim --APL


Alex B.

Alex H.

Ben D.




Pine Tree Patrol:

Ben B. -- PL

Matt H.




Thursday-Friday:  Cathy/John

Friday:  Donna

Friday-Saturday: Carla



New Youth Leaders and Patrols

Autumn '08 Patrol Leaders Council (PLC)

Senior Patrol Leader (SPL): Robert Loggains

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL): Chris Forsythe

Eagle Patrol Leader (PL): Indy Parent-Wetmore

Pine Tree Patrol Leader (PL): Ben Belinsky

Troop Guide (TG): Hunter Parent-Wetmore

In addition, the scribe attends all PLC meetings to take minutes.

Other Youth Leaders:

Eagle Patrol APL: Jim Bloomer

Pine Tree Patrol APL: Matt Haupt

Scribe: Jake Wolf-Jensen

Order of the Arrow Troop Representative: Owen Galvin

Troop Historian: Michael Rigoli

Quartermaster: Ben Dubeau

Bugler: Alex Haupt

The Assistant Patrol Leaders attend PLC meetings whenever the Patrol Leaders are unable to attend.

Eagle Patrol:

Indy Parent-Wetmore -- Patrol Leader

Jim Bloomer -- Assistant Patrol Leader

Chandler Beaulieu (Chaplain's Aide)

Alex Belinsky

Ben Dubeau (Quartermaster)

Alex Haupt (Troop Bugler)

Shane Inman

Michael Rigoli (Troop Historian)

Torrin Ryan

Keighley Sullivan-Silva

Aaron Zurblis

Pine Tree Patrol:

Ben Belinsky -- Patrol Leader

Matt Haupt-- Assistant Patrol Leader

Forrest Beaulieu

Kevin Cutler

Owen Galvin (OA Representative)

Kyle Inman

Colt King (Instructor)

Hunter Parent-Wetmore (Troop Guide)

Dylan Sahakian (Librarian)

Jake Wolf-Jensen

Please note that the SPL and ASPL are not members of a patrol. However, they frequently work with a patrol during troop activities.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Troop 95 Fun Check! Hoorah!

Camp Squanto -- Summer Camp '08 --Last Morning


Robert, Michael, Forrest, Ben, Indy, & Jim


Indy, Jim, Owen, Hunter, Colt, Dylan


Robert, Chandler, Owen


Hunter, Dylan, Kevin


Ben and Indy


Indy, Chris, and Colt


Michael, Ben, and Jim


   Mr. B. and Forrest


             Mr. C.


                            Mr. L.






























