Monday, March 26, 2007

June Camping Trip

The following boys are planning to attend the June 8-10 Camping Trip on Cape Cod:

Ben B.

Ben D.









Mike B.

Mike R.

Owen (Cody)


Monday, March 19, 2007


The following boys have earned the merit badges listed.

Bobby:  Communications

Jim: Traffic Safety

Justin:  Communications

Kevin:  Personal Management

Torrin:  Citizenship in the Community and Animal Science

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

)Troop 95 Schedule

Spring 2007 Troop 95 Schedule

This is a tentative schedule, check back for changes and updates.

Updated 4-2-07 at 12:30 a.m. EDT

April 4th--Annawon Council Arrow of Light Ceremony: Ben D., Mike B., Josh, Chandler, and Brian and designated Troop 95 representatives

April 6th--Annual Junior Leader Training--Hunter, Justin, Kyle, Bobby

April 9th -- Merit Badge Work and Planning for Healthy Kids Event

April 16th--Patriots' Day -- No Meeting

April 23rd --Meeting

April 28th--Scout House Clean-up

TBD (will be rescheduled from original date)--Third Annual Urban Hike--Meet at Riverwalk Park at 1 p.m.

April 30th -- Ms. Belinsky guest speaker (Law merit badge)

May 7th -- Tenderfoot Fitness Test (Post-Test) and Personal Fitness Merit Badge Post-Test at Capron Park

May 14th -- Boards of Review and Merit Badge Work

May 21st--Healthy Kids Event for Medicine badge

May 28th -- Memorial Day--No Meeting

June 1-3 -- Camping Trip

June 4th -- Picnic/Court of Honor

July 15th - July 21st -- Summer Camp at Camp Squanto

Troop 95 Earned Selected as an Outstanding Unit

Troop 95 has been selected as an Outstanding Unit in Annawon Council this year.  We have also earned Quality Unit Status.



Monday, March 12, 2007

Merit Badge Counselor -- March 2007

MERIT BADGE COUNSELORS (as of March 14, 2007)


American Business: Nan Loggains

American Culture:  Nan Loggains

American Heritage:  Nan Loggains

Animal Science:  Carol Cherry

Archery:  Allen Parent-Wetmore

Art:  Allen Parent- Wetmore

Athletics:  Lisa Cutler, Tim Cutler

Astronomy:  Lisa Beaulieu

Backpacking:  Tim Cutler

Basketry:  Lisa Cutler

Bird Study:  Lisa Beaulieu

Camping:  Jim Loggains

Chemistry:  Lisa Beaulieu

Citizenship in the Community:  Nan Loggains

Citizenship in the Nation:  Nan Loggains

Citizenship in the World:  Nan Loggains

Coin Collecting:  Jim Loggains

Collections:  Jim Loggains

Communications:  Jim Loggains

Computers:  Allen Parent-Wetmore, Lisa Beaulieu, Jim Loggains

Cooking:  Cathy Ryan

Crime Prevention: Gary Flood

Cycling:  Lisa Cutler, Tim Cutler

Dog Care:  Pat Inman

Emergency Preparedness:  Phil Rozek

Environmental Science:  Phil Rozek

Family Life:  Karyn Frink

Fingerprinting:  Gary Flood

Fish and Wildlife Management: Cathy Ryan

Fishing: Peter Galvin

First Aid:  Michelle Parent-Wetmore

Gardening:  Cathy Ryan, John Bloomer

Genealogy:  Cathy Ryan

Golf:  Phil Frink

Graphic Arts:  Allen Parent-Wetmore

Hiking:  Lisa Cutler, Tim Cutler

Horsemanship:  Carla Rissmeyer

Indian Lore:  Karyn Frink

Landscape Architecture:  John Bloomer

Mammal Study:  Carol Cherry

Medicine:  Michelle Parent-Wetmore

Music:  Jim Loggains

Nature:  Karyn Frink

Painting:  Cathy Ryan

Personal Fitness:  Pat Inman

Personal Management:  Jim Loggains

Pets:  Cathy Ryan

Photography:  Phil Frink, Jessie Leavitt

Plant Science:  Mary Ann Bloomer, John Bloomer

Plumbing:  Tim Cutler

Pottery:  Mary Ann Bloomer

Public Speaking: Carla Rissmeyer

Reading: Pat Inman

Reptile and Amphibian Study: Nan Loggains

Safety:  Gary Flood

Scholarship:  Cathy Ryan

Skating:  Mary Ann Bloomer

Shotgun:  Jon Rozek

Sports:  Lisa Cutler

Traffic Safety:  Gary Flood

Swimming:  Nan Loggains

Weather:  Lisa Beaulieu


Monday, March 5, 2007

Troop 95 Uniforms

Troop 95 Uniforms

Tan Boy Scout shirt (long or short sleeve)

white or black t-shirt worn under the tan shirt


Scout World Crest

Troop Numbers 95

Annawon Council Patch

Patrol Emblem

Merit Badge Sash (get the large one even if your son is younger/smaller right now)

Scout belt

Boy Scout hat (required for Boards of Review and recommended for outdoor activities--it may be required at summer camp)

Scout socks are only required if you wear shorts to a BOR or other formal Scout activity.  You may wear socks of your choice (solid color) at all other times.

Olive green pants and/or shorts (with belt loops).  We do not require the official Scout pants.  However, official Scout pants are required for an Eagle Board of Review (but you don't need to purchase them now because you'll be three sizes larger by then).

Black troop neckerchief , slide, and red tabs (first set is given to you as a gift from the troop)

Troop t-shirt (first one is given to you; $6 for additonal/replacement t-shirts)

appropriate footwear for the activity



First Aid and Medicine Merit Badges

First Aid:

Requirement 2.b.:  Josh

Requirement 3a,b,c: Ben B. Ben D. Brian, Chandler, Chris, Cody, Colt, Dylan, Indy, Jim, Josh, Kevin, Mike R., Shane, Torrin

Requirement 3d: Ben B., Ben D., Cody, Indy, Jim, Josh, Kevin, Mike B., Mike R., Shane, Torrin

Requirement 4.a.: Ben B., Ben D., Cody, Indy, Jim, Josh, Kevin, Mike B., Mike R., Shane, Torrin

Requirement 6a and 6b:  Alex, Ben B., Ben D., Brian, Chandler, Chris, Cody, Dylan, Indy, Jim, Kevin, Torrin

Requirement 7: Ben B., Ben D., Cody, Indy, Jim, Josh, Kevin, Mike B., Mike R., Torrin



Requirement 1:  completed by all boys except: Brandon, Colt, Josh, Mike B., Mike R.

Requirement 2:  completed by all boys except: Brandon, Mike B.

Requirement 3:  completed by all boys except Forrest, Mike B.

Requirement 4: completed:  Torrin

Requirement 5:  completed:  Torrin

Requirement 6a and 6b:  completed by all boys except Forrest and Mike B.

Requirement 7a: completed: Ben B., Bobby; Brian, Cody, Forrest, Jaek, Justin, Kevin, Torrin

7b and 7c:  completed by all boys except Forrest and Mike B.

Requirement 8:

Requirement 9:  completed: Alex, Bobby, Brian, Chris, Forrest, Hunter, Justin, Josh

Requirement 10 (Healthy Kids Fair)

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Massasoit Camping Trip -- March 30 - April 1

This camping trip will focus on Scout skills for the new boys.  We are calling it Tenderfoot Palooza.  Older boys will be assigned skills to teach to the younger boys. 


The following boys are planning to attend the next weekend camping trip at Camp Massasoit.  




Bobby (PL)

Forrest (APL)







Mike B.

Mike R.


Kyle (PL)

Indy  (APL)

Ben B.

Ben D.








Adult Leaders/Chaperones:

Ms. Loggains

Mr. Loggains


Mr. Parent-Wetmore

Mrs. Ryan

Mr. Desmarais

Mr. Brostrop-Jensen or Ms. Wolf-Jensen

Ms. Leavitt or Mr. Palmborg





