Monday, December 10, 2007

Computers Merit Badge

The following Scouts need to complete the following items to complete the Computers Merit Badge:

Ben B.:  complete

Ben D.:  complete

Bobby: complete

Chandler: complete

Mike R.: complete

Torrin:  complete

Brandon:  2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req7

Brian:  2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req7

Chris: 2 of Req 6 

Colt: 2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req7

Dylan:  2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req 7

Forrest:  2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req 7

Hunter:  2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req7

Indy:  2 of Req 6a-g

Jake:  2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req 7

Jim:  2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req 7

Kevin:  1,3, 2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req 7

Kyle: 2 of Req 6a-g

Owen:  2 of Req 6a-g

Shane: 2 of Req 6a-g



December Court of Honor

Congratulations to the following boys who received the rank listed during the Court of Honor:

Hunter Parent-Wetmore:  Life

Indy Parent-Wetmore:  Star

Jake Wolf-Jensen:  Star

Chandler Beaulieu:  Second Class

Colt King:  Second Class

Brandon Leavitt:  Second Class

Ben Belinsky:  Second Class

Ben Dubeau:  Second Class

Chris Forsythe:  Second Class

Brian Wolf-Jensen:  Second Class

Dylan Sahakian:  Second Class

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Rank and Merit Badges

The following boys have earned the rank, merit badges, and awards listed.  completed The rank, badges, and awards will be presented at the next Troop Court of Honor.

Ben B.--Second Class; Computers, Railroading, Electricity

Ben D.--Second Class; Chemistry, Electricity

Bobby--Camping, Computers, Radio

Brandon--Second Class

Brian--Second Class; First Aid

Chandler--Second Class; Auto Mechanics, Computers

Chris--Second Class; Citizenship in the World

Colt--Second Class; Citizenship in the World, Engineering

Dylan--Second Class; Citizenship in the World

Forrest--Citizenship in the World

Hunter--Life; Citizenship in the World, Camping

Indy--Star; Citizenship in the World, Environmental Science

Jake--Star; Citizenship in the World

Jim--Citizenship in the World

Kevin--Star; Personal Fitness, Scuba patch, Citizenship in the World

Kyle--Citizenship in the World, Electricity

Michael B.

Michael R.--Star; Citizenship in the World, Photography, Art, Computers

Owen--Star; Citizenship in the World

Shane--Citizenship in the World

Torrin--Citizenship in the World, Computers

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Computer Merit Badge -- Final Assignment

You should try to have at least one of the following items completed by the December 10th meeting.  All outside assignments must be completed by the end of January if you wish to receive the badge.


Do one more of the following (or TWO of them if you haven't done one yet):

  1. Use a database manager to create a troop roster that includes the name, rank, patrol, and telephone number of each Scout. Show your counselor that you can sort the register by each of the following categories: rank, patrol, and alphabetically by name.
  2. Use a spreadsheet program to develop a food budget for a patrol weekend campout.
  3. Use a word processor to write a letter to the parents of your troop's Scouts inviting them to a court of honor. Use the program's mail merge feature to make a personalized copy of the letter for each family.
  4. Use a computer graphics program to design and draw a campsite plan for your troop, OR design a flyer for an upcoming troop event.
  5. Using a software package of your choice, develop a short presentation about a topic that has been approved by your counselor. For your presentation create at least 10 slides.
  6. Using an Internet search engine, find ideas about how to conduct a troop court of honor or campfire program. Print out a copy of the ideas from at least three different Web sites. Share what you found with your counselor, and explain how you used the search engine to find this information.
  7. Using a digital camera, take a picture of a troop activity. Transfer the picture file to a computer and use photographic software to make it small enough to send easily as an e-mail attachment. Then, using a computer connected to the Internet (with your parent's permission), send an e-mail to someone you know. In your message, include the photograph as an attachment. Verify that the person received your e-mail and was able to view the attachment.


Do ONE of the following:

  1. Visit a business or an industrial plant that uses computers. Observe what tasks the computers accomplish, and be prepared to discuss what you have learned.
  2. Using a software package of your choice for computer aided design (CAD), create an engineering-style drawing of a simple object. Include the top, bottom, and at least one side view and the dimensions.
  3. Use a general purpose programming language to write a simple program application of your choice, subject to approval by your counselor.
  4. Design a Web page for your troop, patrol, school, or place of worship. You need not post the page to a Web site. However, if you decide to do so, you will first need to get your parent's permission and your counselor's approval, as well as permission from the host site.


