Monday, December 10, 2007

Computers Merit Badge

The following Scouts need to complete the following items to complete the Computers Merit Badge:

Ben B.:  complete

Ben D.:  complete

Bobby: complete

Chandler: complete

Mike R.: complete

Torrin:  complete

Brandon:  2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req7

Brian:  2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req7

Chris: 2 of Req 6 

Colt: 2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req7

Dylan:  2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req 7

Forrest:  2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req 7

Hunter:  2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req7

Indy:  2 of Req 6a-g

Jake:  2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req 7

Jim:  2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req 7

Kevin:  1,3, 2 of Req 6a-g, and 1 of Req 7

Kyle: 2 of Req 6a-g

Owen:  2 of Req 6a-g

Shane: 2 of Req 6a-g



December Court of Honor

Congratulations to the following boys who received the rank listed during the Court of Honor:

Hunter Parent-Wetmore:  Life

Indy Parent-Wetmore:  Star

Jake Wolf-Jensen:  Star

Chandler Beaulieu:  Second Class

Colt King:  Second Class

Brandon Leavitt:  Second Class

Ben Belinsky:  Second Class

Ben Dubeau:  Second Class

Chris Forsythe:  Second Class

Brian Wolf-Jensen:  Second Class

Dylan Sahakian:  Second Class

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Rank and Merit Badges

The following boys have earned the rank, merit badges, and awards listed.  completed The rank, badges, and awards will be presented at the next Troop Court of Honor.

Ben B.--Second Class; Computers, Railroading, Electricity

Ben D.--Second Class; Chemistry, Electricity

Bobby--Camping, Computers, Radio

Brandon--Second Class

Brian--Second Class; First Aid

Chandler--Second Class; Auto Mechanics, Computers

Chris--Second Class; Citizenship in the World

Colt--Second Class; Citizenship in the World, Engineering

Dylan--Second Class; Citizenship in the World

Forrest--Citizenship in the World

Hunter--Life; Citizenship in the World, Camping

Indy--Star; Citizenship in the World, Environmental Science

Jake--Star; Citizenship in the World

Jim--Citizenship in the World

Kevin--Star; Personal Fitness, Scuba patch, Citizenship in the World

Kyle--Citizenship in the World, Electricity

Michael B.

Michael R.--Star; Citizenship in the World, Photography, Art, Computers

Owen--Star; Citizenship in the World

Shane--Citizenship in the World

Torrin--Citizenship in the World, Computers

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Computer Merit Badge -- Final Assignment

You should try to have at least one of the following items completed by the December 10th meeting.  All outside assignments must be completed by the end of January if you wish to receive the badge.


Do one more of the following (or TWO of them if you haven't done one yet):

  1. Use a database manager to create a troop roster that includes the name, rank, patrol, and telephone number of each Scout. Show your counselor that you can sort the register by each of the following categories: rank, patrol, and alphabetically by name.
  2. Use a spreadsheet program to develop a food budget for a patrol weekend campout.
  3. Use a word processor to write a letter to the parents of your troop's Scouts inviting them to a court of honor. Use the program's mail merge feature to make a personalized copy of the letter for each family.
  4. Use a computer graphics program to design and draw a campsite plan for your troop, OR design a flyer for an upcoming troop event.
  5. Using a software package of your choice, develop a short presentation about a topic that has been approved by your counselor. For your presentation create at least 10 slides.
  6. Using an Internet search engine, find ideas about how to conduct a troop court of honor or campfire program. Print out a copy of the ideas from at least three different Web sites. Share what you found with your counselor, and explain how you used the search engine to find this information.
  7. Using a digital camera, take a picture of a troop activity. Transfer the picture file to a computer and use photographic software to make it small enough to send easily as an e-mail attachment. Then, using a computer connected to the Internet (with your parent's permission), send an e-mail to someone you know. In your message, include the photograph as an attachment. Verify that the person received your e-mail and was able to view the attachment.


Do ONE of the following:

  1. Visit a business or an industrial plant that uses computers. Observe what tasks the computers accomplish, and be prepared to discuss what you have learned.
  2. Using a software package of your choice for computer aided design (CAD), create an engineering-style drawing of a simple object. Include the top, bottom, and at least one side view and the dimensions.
  3. Use a general purpose programming language to write a simple program application of your choice, subject to approval by your counselor.
  4. Design a Web page for your troop, patrol, school, or place of worship. You need not post the page to a Web site. However, if you decide to do so, you will first need to get your parent's permission and your counselor's approval, as well as permission from the host site.


Monday, November 26, 2007

Edith Read Camping Trip Feb 9-10

The following boys are planning to attend the February 9-10 camping trip at Edith Read:

Ben B.

Ben D.





Michael B.



Troop 95 Winter Schedule

The following schedule is tentative.  Check back each week for changes and additions.

Monday, December 10th-- Patrol Leaders' Council at 12:15; Regular Meeting at 1 p.m.; BORs, wrap up Computers Merit Badge

Monday, December 17th -- Caroling at Ridgewood Court Nursing Home (now called Golden Living) on George Street in Attleboro

Monday, December 24th -- Holiday Break -- No Meeting

Monday, December 31st -- Holiday Break -- No Meeting

Monday, January 7th -- Holiday Break -- No Meeting

Monday, January 14th -- Regular Meeting:  Lashings (First Class Requirement); Life Scout Eagle badge work and overview of Eagle projects.

Saturday, January 19th -- Merit Badge College at Rhode Island College

Monday, January 21st-- No Meeting (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) 

Monday, January 28th -- Regular Meeting; final computer assignment due; begin Disabilities Awareness badge

Monday, February 4th -- Camping Preparation

Saturday, February 9th -- Sunday, February 10th -- Camping at Camp Edith Read

Monday, February 11th -- Regular Meeting

Monday, February 18th -- Presidents Day -- No Meeting

Monday, February 25th--Regular Meeting

Monday, March 3rd -- Regular Meeting

Monday, March 10th -- Regular Meeting

Saturday, March 15th-- Annual Banquet

Monday, March 17th--Regular Meeting

Monday, March 24th -- Regular Meeting

Monday, March 31st -- Regular Meeting



Monday, November 19, 2007

Citizenship in the World -- Final Assignment

The final Citizenship in the World Merit Badge Class will be held on Monday, December 3rd at 12:30 p.m.   Don't be late and be sure to complete the final assignment in order to earn the badge.

I.  Describe the roles of the following in the conduct of foreign relations:

  1. Ambassador
  2. Consul
  3. Bureau of International Information Programs
  4. Agency for International Development
  5. United States and Foreign Commercial Service


II.  Explain the purpose of a passport and visa for international travel.


III.  Visit the Web site of an international news organization or foreign government, OR examine a foreign newspaper available at your local library, bookstore, or newsstand. Find a news story about a human right realized in the United States that is not recognized in another country.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Summer Camp 2008

The following boys are planning to attend summer camp at Camp Squanto during the summer of 2008:

Ben D.













Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Merit Badge College

Boys are planning to take the following merit badges during Merit Badge College in January at Rhode Island College:

AM Badge Classes:

Electricity: Ben D.

Personal Management:  Indy

Railroading:  Ben B.


PM Badge Classes:

Chemistry:  Ben D.

Electricity:  Ben B.

Space Exploration:  Indy


All Day Classes:

Art:  Jim

Citizenship in the Community:   Hunter, Kevin

Emergency Preparedness:  Torrin, Owen

Environmental Science:  Chris

Radio:   Bobby

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Camping Trip Roster Nov 30 - Dec 2

Ben D.














Winter Camping Equipment List



____ BACKPACK (or large Sports Equipment Bag, or Duffel Bag). Line it with Lawn Bag first, to keep contents dry.



____ SNOW PANTS (available at thrift stores for $3-$5).


____ WOOL SWEATER, and/or POLAR FLEECE SWEATSHIRT (about $3 at Thrift Stores).

____ LONG SLEEVE SHIRT (Wool or synthetic fiber for good insulating quality & quick drying - $3 at thrift stores).

____ LONG UNDERWEAR (if buying new, buy 100% Polypropylene, NOT "waffle pattern" cotton blend).

____ 2 extra sets of UNDERWEAR

____ STURDY BOOTS (Rubber is better for winter than leather. Leather will get wet & freeze).

____ HEAVY SOCKS (bring at least two extra pairs) 

____ PLASTIC BAGS (newspaper or plastic grocery bags to go under socks in case of wet leather boots).

____ WINTER GLOVES or MITTENS (As many as you own and can borrow!)

____ 2 WARM HATS (One for Sleeping ONLY-Sleeping hat should be designed to stay on at night).

____ ADDITIONAL SWEAT PANTS & SWEAT SHIRT (for sleeping only!).

____ MESS-KIT (BOWL, CUP, FORK, SPOON, PLATE -- heavy-duty plastic is warmer than metal).


____ TOILET PAPER (Half a roll in a Zip-Lock bag).

____ SLIPPERS or MOCCASINS (To wear inside cabin)

____ PEN, PENCIL, SMALL NOTEPAD (No, you can't borrow ours).



____ CLEAN-UP KIT (Small Hand Soap, Small Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Comb, Floss, Towel).

____ SMALL FIRST AID KIT (You can make your own: BSA Handbook, Page 289).  

____ CLOSED-CELL FOAM “CAMPING”/SLEEPING PAD (if you plan to sleep in a tent), $10 at Wal-Mart.

____ POCKETKNIFE (Pocket knives are a privilege.  You may carry one only after you have earned the Totin' Chip.  New boys should bring their pocket knife in a ziploc bad and give it to a leader--it will be returned after you have earned your Totin' Chip.  Pocket knife privileges may be revoked for ANY unsafe practices.)

____ GOOD QUALITY WHISTLE on neck chain.

____ TENT (if you plan to sleep outside)

Monday, October 22, 2007


I am please to report that the following boys passed their Boards of Review today and have earned the rank of Star:
Congratulations!  Onward to Life and Eagle!

Merit Badges

The following boys have completed the Merit Badges and awards listed.  The badges will be presented at the next Troop Court of Honor.


Brian--First Aid

Kevin--Personal Fitness, Scuba patch

Monday, October 15, 2007

Computers MB Assignment

Do ONE (or for overachievers TWO) of the following tasks prior to the November 4th meeting.  If applicable you can e-mail me your project.  Those who wish to design a flyer could do it for an upcoming camping trip.  We'll share your projects at the next meeting.  You will need to do two projects for the badge. 
  1. Use a database manager to create a troop roster that includes the name, rank, patrol, and telephone number of each Scout. Show your counselor that you can sort the register by each of the following categories: rank, patrol, and alphabetically by name.
  2. Use a spreadsheet program to develop a food budget for a patrol weekend campout.
  3. Use a word processor to write a letter to the parents of your troop's Scouts inviting them to a court of honor. Use the program's mail merge feature to make a personalized copy of the letter for each family.
  4. Use a computer graphics program to design and draw a campsite plan for your troop, OR design a flyer for an upcoming troop event.
  5. Using a software package of your choice, develop a short presentation about a topic that has been approved by your counselor. For your presentation create at least 10 slides.
  6. Using an Internet search engine, find ideas about how to conduct a troop court of honor or campfire program. Print out a copy of the ideas from at least three different Web sites. Share what you found with your counselor, and explain how you used the search engine to find this information.
  7. Using a digital camera, take a picture of a troop activity. Transfer the picture file to a computer and use photographic software to make it small enough to send easily as an e-mail attachment. Then, using a computer connected to the Internet (with your parent's permission), send an e-mail to someone you know. In your message, include the photograph as an attachment. Verify that the person received your e-mail and was able to view the attachment.

Computers Merit Badge

The following Scouts have completed the requirements listed for the Computers Merit Badge:

Ben B.:  1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6.1, 6h, 8, 9

Ben D.: 1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Bobby: 1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Brandon:  1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Brian:  1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Chandler:  1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Chris:  1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Colt:  1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Dylan:  1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Forrest:  1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Hunter:  1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Indy:  1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Jake:  1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Jim:  1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Kevin:  4, 5a-d, 6h, 8

Kyle:  1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Mike: 1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Owen:  1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Sean:  1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Shane:  1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Torrin:  1, 3, 4, 5a-d, 6h, 8, 9

Citizenship in the World -- Assignment 3

Boys working on the badge need to complete the following assignment prior to our next merit badge meeting on Monday, November 5th at 12:30 p.m. at the Scout House.

I. Read pages 19-29.

Answer this question in writing (no longer than 1/2 page): 

Explain the differences between constitutional and non-constitutional government.


II.  Then Read pages 79-88.

Answer this question in writing:

Explain how a government in represented abroad and how the United States government is accredited to international organizations.


III.  Visit the U.S. State Department website ( .   Learn more about an issue that is discussed on this website (you may use additional sources).  Write one-half page about this issue and be prepared to tell others about it during the next merit badge class.


Monday, September 24, 2007

Troop 95 Fall Schedule

The following schedule is tentative.  Check back each week for changes and additions.


Monday, October 1st -- Swim Meeting at the Attleboro YMCA -- 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.

Monday, October 8th -- Columbus Day (no meeting)

Monday, October 15th -- Citizenship in the World merit badge class #2 at 12:30; Meeting at 1 p.m. at the Scout House; Monthly Scoutmaster Conferences (must schedule in advance); Begin Computers Merit Badge

Monday, October 22nd -- Orienteering (First Class Requirement and fun for everyone else) at Capron Park at 1 p.m.; Star Boards of Review

Thursday, October 25th -- Junior Leader Training (PLC plus APLs) at the Scout House 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Monday, October 29th -- Halloween Party with Haunted House for Cubs and Brownies (tentative)

Saturday, November 3rd--Camping Trip???

Monday, November 5th--Meeting at the Scout House at 1 p.m.; Citizenship in the World Merit Badge Class #3 at 12:30; Continue Computers Merit Badge

Monday, November 12th -- No Meeting (Veterans' Day Weekend)

Monday, November 19th -- Regular Meeting at the Scout House; Scoutmaster Conferences; Citizenship in the World Merit Badge Class #4 (final class) at 12:30

Monday, November 26th-- Regular Meeting at the Scout House; Boards of Review; plan for camping trip

Friday evening, November 30 -- Sunday morning, December 2nd -- Camp Norse (Olaf Cabin, but you may also pitch a tent)

Monday, December 3rd -- Regular Meeting

Monday, December 10th-- Regular Meeting

Monday, December 17th -- Caroling

Monday, December 24th -- Holiday Break -- No Meeting

Monday, December 31st -- Holiday Break -- No Meeting

Monday, January 7th -- Regular Meeting

Monday, January 14th -- Regular Meeting

Saturday, January 19th -- Merit Badge College at Rhode Island College

Monday, January 21st-- No Meeting (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) 

Monday, January 28th -- Regular Meeting



Citizenship in the World Badge

The following boys have completed the requirements listed.

Chris:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 7a

Colt: complete

Dylan:  complete


Hunter:  complete

Indy: complete

Jake:  complete

Jim: complete

Kevin:  complete

Kyle:  complete


Mike:  complete

Shane:  complete

Torrin:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 7

Citizenship in the World Badge -- Assignment 2

Boys who are participating the Citizenship in the World Merit Badge should do the following assignment:

Read:  Merit Badge Booklet--International Law Chapter, pages 73-78

After reading the chapter, answer the following question: 

  1. Explain international law and how it differs from national law. Explain the role of international law and how international law can be used as a tool for conflict resolution.

Your answer should be between one-half page and one-page in length (double spaced).


Read:  Merit Badge Booklet:  Global Issues, Watchdogs, and Advocates, pages 67-71.

After reading the chapter, do the following:

Select TWO of the following organizations and describe their role in the world. You may also use other references such as the Internet.

  1. The United Nations
  2. The World Court
  3. World Organization of the Scout Movement
  4. The World Health Organization
  5. Amnesty International
  6. The International Committee of the Red Cross
  7. CARE

Your combined answered (both organizations) should NOT exceed one page in length (double spaced).

Be sure to bring your assignment to the next merit badge class on Monday, October 15th at 12:30 at the Scout House. 

Bring a notebook and two pens/pencils and your Citizenship in the World booklet.

Do NOT be late.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Troop Anti-Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Program

Please choose one of the following substances for your report.  Reports should NOT exceed one page (typed double spaced) in length.  It need not be original work.  The internet is a good source of information.

Choose your topic using the blog or e-mail me at  Please do NOT use last names on the blog.


AC/DC (Codeine Cough Syrup)

marijuana -- Kevin

alcohol  -- Jim


anabolic steroids -- Brian

acid (LSD) -- Robert

angel/angel dust (PCP) -- Dylan

cocaine -- Jake

meth amphetamine -- Torrin

heroin --Mike

cat valium (Ketamine) -- Brandon


tobacco-- Ben B.

anti-depressants --Kyle


embalming fluid (yes, it can be used as a drug)--Chris

inhalants (huffing)


"pharming"  (illegal use of prescription drugs) -- Sean

O (oxycontin) -- Colt

Snorting Adderall or Ritalin


(drinking prescription cough syrup mixed with painkillers and soda)




Monday, September 17, 2007

New Leadership Positions

Congratulations to the following boys who will be serving in the leadership positions listed during the new Scout year:

Senior Patrol Leader:  Robert Loggains

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader:  Kyle Inman

Frog Patrol Leader:  Kevin Cutler

Frog Assistant Patrol Leader:  Colt King

Dragon Patrol Leader:  Torrin Ryan

Dragon Assistant Patrol Leader:  Shane Inman

Wolf Patrol Leader:  Forrest Beaulieu

Wolf Assistant Patrol Leader:  Owen Galvin


New Patrols:


Kevin (PL)

Colt (APL)







Forrest (PL)

Owen (APL)








Torrin  (PL)

Shane  (APL)




Ben B.

Ben D.






Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Citizenship in the World -- First Assignment

First Class: 

Monday, September 24th 12:30 - 12:55 p.m.  You MUST arrive on time.  I would suggest arriving early. 

Class members:











Mike R.





Bring a notebook and two pens/pencils and your Citizenship in the World booklet


Read:  pages 7 to 17 of the Citizenship in the World booklet.  Take notes so that you are able to discuss the following two requirements during class:

  1. Explain what citizenship in the world means to you and what you think it takes to be a good world citizen.
  2. Explain how one becomes a citizen in the United States, and explain the rights, duties, and obligations of U.S. citizenship. Discuss the similarities and differences between the rights, duties, and obligations of U.S. citizens and the citizens of two other countries.

Do ONE of the following.  Write out your answer to the item you selected.  Answers need not exceed one page in length.  We will not have time for a lengthy discussion.

3a.  Pick a current world event. In relation to this current event, discuss with your counselor how a country's national interest and its relationship with other countries might affect areas such as" its security, its economy, its values, and the health of its citizens.

3b.  Select a foreign country and discuss with your counselor how its geography, natural resources, and climate influence its economy and its global partnerships with other countries.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Scout House Yardwork

Scout House Yard Work Schedule

Families should make arrangements with others to provide lawn mower and tools.  The yard is quite small.  You can select the date that works best for you.  I put down Saturday dates, but if another day during the week is better for you, feel free to adjust the schedule.  I made the schedule through the end of September (every other week).  We'll post an October - November schedule later.  I think no more than two or three boys are needed per session through September (more boys may be needed in the fall for leaf raking).


July 28: Owen

August 12:  Ben B.

August 26:  Kevin

September 15

September 29

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Summer Camp Merit Badges and Awards

Troop 95 earned the following awards and ribbons during summer camp at Camp Squanto:
Honor Troop Award
Commissioner's Certificate of Inspection
Adventure Award
In addition, the Troop 95 boys earned the following merit badges and awards:
Ben:  Archery and Woodcarving
Bobby:  Nature, Art, Woodcarving, Soil and Water Conservation, and World Conservation Award
Brian:  Archery and Art
Chandler:  Metalwork and Fishing
Chris:  Nature, Woodcarving, and Leatherwork (and just needs to complete the picture taking for Photography)
Colt:  Swimming, Shotgun, and Woodcarving
Dylan:  Rifle and Shotgun
Forrest:  Forestry, Metalwork, and Woodcarving (and just needs to sleep in a lean-to during the next camping trip to complete Wilderness Survival)
Hunter:  Swimming and Shotgun
Indy:  Swimming, Art, Metalwork, and Leatherwork
Justin:  Rifle  (and just needs to complete a short test to complete Shotgun)
Kevin:  Swimming, Forestry, and Metalwork
Mike R.:  Swimming, Woodcarving, and Metalwork
Owen:  Swimming, Environmental Science, and Woodcarving
Many boys also completed a number of requirements towards rank advancement.
Excellent work guys!

Monday, June 11, 2007

The following boys have earned the rank, merit badges, and other awards since our last Court of Honor in June.


Ben B.:  Law

Ben D:  Law, Archery, Woodcarving

Bobby:  Law, American Business, Nature, Art, Soil and Water, Woodcarving, Coin Collecting, World Conservation Award

Brian:  Tenderfoot; Law; Totin' Chip, Firem'n Chit, Archery, Art

Chandler:  Law, Metalwork, Fishing

Chris:  Nature, Woodcarving, Metalwork

Colt:  Swimming, Shotgun, Woodcarving

Dylan:  Rifle, Shotgun

Forrest:  Forestry, Metalwork, Woodcarving

Hunter:  Law, Swimming, Shotgun

Indy:  Law, Swimming, Art, Metalwork, Leatherwork

Jim:  Law

Justin:  Law, Rifle

Kevin:  Swimming, Metalwork, Forestry

Mike B.:  Law

Mike R.:  Law, Swimming, Woodcarving, Metalwork

Owen:  Law, Swimming, Environmental Science, Woodcarving

Shane:  Law

Torrin:  Law

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Spring/Summer Camping Gear List

Your First Summer Campout




 ____ TENT

____ BACKPACK (and/or large Sports Equipment Bag, and/or Duffel Bag). Line it with a Lawn Bag first, to keep contents dry.









____ HAT (with brim for sun)

____ GOOD QUALITY WHISTLE on neck chain.

____ MESS-KIT (BOWL, CUP, FORK, SPOON, PLATE -- (plastic keeps food warmer than metal).

____ 2 ONE-QUART WATER BOTTLES, filled ("Nalgene" Bottles are the most dependable).


____ SMALL FIRST AID KIT (You can make your own: BSA Handbook, Page 289).

____ PEN & POCKET NOTEPAD, (No, you can't borrow ours)


____ CLEAN-UP KIT (Small Hand Soap, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Comb, Floss, Fast-Drying Camp Towel).

____ TOILET PAPER (Half a roll in a Zip-Lock bag).

____ "BLUE" 5'X7' TARP (or other Plastic Ground Sheet to keep sleeping bag dry).



____ SWIM SUIT (But not sure if we'll be going in the water)




Always pack for one season COLDER than now!


Monday, May 21, 2007

June Court of Honor

The following boys have earned the rank, merit badges, and other awards since our last Court of Honor in February.

Alex:  Tenderfoot; Medicine; Totin' Chip, Firem'n Chit; 1-year Boy Scout Service Star/1 year BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Ben B.:  Tenderfoot; Space Exploration, Medicine, First Aid, Photography; 1 year Boy Scout Service Star, 1 year BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Ben D:  Tenderfoot; Medicine, First Aid; Totin' Chip, Firm'n Chit; 2-year Cub Scout Service Star/2 years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Bobby:  Communications, Medicine, Photography, Mammal Study; Paul Bunyan Woodsman; space patch; 4-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 9-years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Brandon:  Tenderfoot; Photography, Medicine, First Aid; 1-year Boy Scout Service Star/1 year BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Brian:  Photography, Medicine; 4 year Cub Scout Service Star; 4 years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star 

Chandler:  Tenderfoot; Medicine, Photography, First Aid; Totin' Chip, Firem'n Chit; 5-year Cub Scout Service Star/5 years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Chris:  Tenderfoot; Totin' Chip, Firem'n Chit, 1 year Service Star/3 years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Colt:  Tenderfoot; Medicine, First Aid; Totin' Chip, Firem'n Chit; 1 year Service Star, 4 years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Dylan:  Tenderfoot; Totin' Chip, Firem'n Chit, 1 year Service Star, 1 year BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Forrest:  Recruiter; Communications, Medicine, Photography; 2-year Boy Scout Service Star/6 years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Hunter:  Basketry; Medicine, Communications; Paul Bunyan Woodsman; 4-year Boy Scout Service Star/8-years BSA

Indy:  Medicine, First Aid, 1-year Boy Scout Service Star/6 years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Jake:  Photography. Medicine; 3-year Boy Scout Service Star/7 years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Jim:  Snow Sports, American Heritage, First Aid, Medicine; 1 year Boy Scout Service Star/3 years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Josh: First Aid, Medicine; Totin' Chip, Firem'n Chip; 2-year Cub Scout Service Star/2 years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Justin:  Star; Communications, Family Life, Camping; Paul Bunyan Woodsman; 3-year Boy Scout Service Star/4 years BSA

Kevin:  Medicine, First Aid, Basketry; 2-year Boy Scout Service Star/3 years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Kyle:  Communications, Medicine; Paul Bunyan Woodsman; 3-year Boy Scout Service Star/3 years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Mike B.: Totin' Chip, Firem'n Chit; 2-year Cub Scout Service Star/2 years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Mike R.:  First Aid, Medicine, Family Life; 2-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 4 years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Owen:  First Class; Space Exploration, First Aid, Medicine, Personal Fitness; 1-year Boy Scout Service Star/2 years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Shane:  Medicine, First Aid; 1-year Boy Scout Service Star/3 years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star

Torrin:  Medicine,First Aid, Sports, Photography; Snorkeling patch, 2-year Boy Scout Service Star/4 years BSA, National Honor Patrol Star





Friday, May 18, 2007


Congratulations to Alex, Ben B., Ben D., and Chandler who all passed their BORs and are our newest Tenderfoot Scouts.

Congratulations to Ben B. and Owen who have completed the Space Exploration badge (and they even "donated" a few rockets to trees in the process).

Monday, May 7, 2007

Citizenship in the World

Citizenship in the World Merit Badge Group (Autumn '07):










Mike R.




Monday, April 30, 2007

Tenderfoot Requiremements

Requirements Needed to Complete Tenderfoot Rank Requirements:

(SMC = Scoutmaster Conference)

Josh:  SMC, BOR

Mike B.:  SMC, BOR

Brian: let me know what you've done in your other troop


Law Merit Badge

Kevin and Kyle completed the badge at Merit Badge College in January


Requirement 1:  completed if you were in attendance on 4-29

Requirement 2:  completed if you were in attendance on 4-29

Requirement 3:  completed if you were in attendance on 4-29 

Requirement 4:  mock trial

Requirement 5:

Requirement 6:  interviews 

Requirement 7:  completed if you were in attendance on 4-29

Requirement 8:  completed if you were in attendance on 4-29

Requirement 9: 

Requirement 10: completed if you were in attendance on 4-29 

Requirement 11: 

Friday, April 27, 2007

First Aid and Medicine Merit Badges Status

First Aid:

Completed the Badge:

Ben B.

Ben D.







Mike R.





The following boys need to complete the listed requirements to finish the First Aid badge:

Alex: 4a

Chris: 2a, 2b, 4a

Dylan: 2a, 2b

Mike B.: 2a, 2b, 3 (CPR), 6




Completed the Badge:


Ben B.

Ben D.








Requirement 2:  completed by all boys except: Brandon, Mike B.


7b and 7c:  completed by all boys except Forrest and Mike B.

Requirement 8: completed by all boys except as shown:

                   "4":  Justin,  Chris, Kyle, Mike B.

                   "5":  Justin, Mike B.

                   "6":  Mike B.

                   "7":  Chris, Dylan, Mike B.

Requirement 9:  completed by all boys except as shown:

                  Needs U.S.:  Dylan, Mike B.

                  Needs China:  Mike B., Dylan

                  Needs Sweden:  Mike B.


Monday, April 9, 2007

Medicine Badge Assignments for 4-23 Meeting

  1. Do the following:
  2. Describe the roles the following people play in the delivery of health care in your state. (Note: Not all may exist in your state.)
    1. Physician --Mike B.
    2. Chiropractor -- Mike R.
    3. Optometrist -- Kevin
    4. Podiatrist -- Owen
    5. Pharmacist -- Ben B. 
    6. Psychologist -- Bobby
    7. Physician's assistant -- Jim 
    8. Nurse practitioner --  Josh
    9. Nurse-midwife -- Indy
    10. Registered Nurse -- Colt
    11. Licensed vocational/practical nurse -- Brandon
    12. Medical assistant -- Chris
    13. Emergency medical technician -- Torrin
    14. Medical laboratory technologist -- Dylan 
    15. Radiologic technologist -- Jake
    16. Physical therapist -- Ben D.
    17. Occupational therapist -- Brian
    18. Respiratory therapist -- Alex
  3. Describe the educational and licensing requirements for five of those in 4a --other than 4a(1)- - practicing health care in your state.
  4. Tell what is meant by the term "primary care" with regard to a medical specialty. Briefly describe the types of work done by physicians in the following "core" specialties:
    1. Internal medicine* -- Forrest
    2. Family practice* -- Shane
    3. Obstetrics/gynecology* -- Justin
    4. Pediatrics* --Kyle
    5. Psychiatry -- Hunter
    6. Surgery -- Chandler
  5. Describe the additional educational requirements for these specialties.


Congratulations to Owen (Cody) who passed his First Class Board of Review today.


Congratulations to Hunter and Kevin who have earned the Basketry Merit Badge.

Monday, March 26, 2007

June Camping Trip

The following boys are planning to attend the June 8-10 Camping Trip on Cape Cod:

Ben B.

Ben D.









Mike B.

Mike R.

Owen (Cody)


Monday, March 19, 2007


The following boys have earned the merit badges listed.

Bobby:  Communications

Jim: Traffic Safety

Justin:  Communications

Kevin:  Personal Management

Torrin:  Citizenship in the Community and Animal Science

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

)Troop 95 Schedule

Spring 2007 Troop 95 Schedule

This is a tentative schedule, check back for changes and updates.

Updated 4-2-07 at 12:30 a.m. EDT

April 4th--Annawon Council Arrow of Light Ceremony: Ben D., Mike B., Josh, Chandler, and Brian and designated Troop 95 representatives

April 6th--Annual Junior Leader Training--Hunter, Justin, Kyle, Bobby

April 9th -- Merit Badge Work and Planning for Healthy Kids Event

April 16th--Patriots' Day -- No Meeting

April 23rd --Meeting

April 28th--Scout House Clean-up

TBD (will be rescheduled from original date)--Third Annual Urban Hike--Meet at Riverwalk Park at 1 p.m.

April 30th -- Ms. Belinsky guest speaker (Law merit badge)

May 7th -- Tenderfoot Fitness Test (Post-Test) and Personal Fitness Merit Badge Post-Test at Capron Park

May 14th -- Boards of Review and Merit Badge Work

May 21st--Healthy Kids Event for Medicine badge

May 28th -- Memorial Day--No Meeting

June 1-3 -- Camping Trip

June 4th -- Picnic/Court of Honor

July 15th - July 21st -- Summer Camp at Camp Squanto

Troop 95 Earned Selected as an Outstanding Unit

Troop 95 has been selected as an Outstanding Unit in Annawon Council this year.  We have also earned Quality Unit Status.



Monday, March 12, 2007

Merit Badge Counselor -- March 2007

MERIT BADGE COUNSELORS (as of March 14, 2007)


American Business: Nan Loggains

American Culture:  Nan Loggains

American Heritage:  Nan Loggains

Animal Science:  Carol Cherry

Archery:  Allen Parent-Wetmore

Art:  Allen Parent- Wetmore

Athletics:  Lisa Cutler, Tim Cutler

Astronomy:  Lisa Beaulieu

Backpacking:  Tim Cutler

Basketry:  Lisa Cutler

Bird Study:  Lisa Beaulieu

Camping:  Jim Loggains

Chemistry:  Lisa Beaulieu

Citizenship in the Community:  Nan Loggains

Citizenship in the Nation:  Nan Loggains

Citizenship in the World:  Nan Loggains

Coin Collecting:  Jim Loggains

Collections:  Jim Loggains

Communications:  Jim Loggains

Computers:  Allen Parent-Wetmore, Lisa Beaulieu, Jim Loggains

Cooking:  Cathy Ryan

Crime Prevention: Gary Flood

Cycling:  Lisa Cutler, Tim Cutler

Dog Care:  Pat Inman

Emergency Preparedness:  Phil Rozek

Environmental Science:  Phil Rozek

Family Life:  Karyn Frink

Fingerprinting:  Gary Flood

Fish and Wildlife Management: Cathy Ryan

Fishing: Peter Galvin

First Aid:  Michelle Parent-Wetmore

Gardening:  Cathy Ryan, John Bloomer

Genealogy:  Cathy Ryan

Golf:  Phil Frink

Graphic Arts:  Allen Parent-Wetmore

Hiking:  Lisa Cutler, Tim Cutler

Horsemanship:  Carla Rissmeyer

Indian Lore:  Karyn Frink

Landscape Architecture:  John Bloomer

Mammal Study:  Carol Cherry

Medicine:  Michelle Parent-Wetmore

Music:  Jim Loggains

Nature:  Karyn Frink

Painting:  Cathy Ryan

Personal Fitness:  Pat Inman

Personal Management:  Jim Loggains

Pets:  Cathy Ryan

Photography:  Phil Frink, Jessie Leavitt

Plant Science:  Mary Ann Bloomer, John Bloomer

Plumbing:  Tim Cutler

Pottery:  Mary Ann Bloomer

Public Speaking: Carla Rissmeyer

Reading: Pat Inman

Reptile and Amphibian Study: Nan Loggains

Safety:  Gary Flood

Scholarship:  Cathy Ryan

Skating:  Mary Ann Bloomer

Shotgun:  Jon Rozek

Sports:  Lisa Cutler

Traffic Safety:  Gary Flood

Swimming:  Nan Loggains

Weather:  Lisa Beaulieu


Monday, March 5, 2007

Troop 95 Uniforms

Troop 95 Uniforms

Tan Boy Scout shirt (long or short sleeve)

white or black t-shirt worn under the tan shirt


Scout World Crest

Troop Numbers 95

Annawon Council Patch

Patrol Emblem

Merit Badge Sash (get the large one even if your son is younger/smaller right now)

Scout belt

Boy Scout hat (required for Boards of Review and recommended for outdoor activities--it may be required at summer camp)

Scout socks are only required if you wear shorts to a BOR or other formal Scout activity.  You may wear socks of your choice (solid color) at all other times.

Olive green pants and/or shorts (with belt loops).  We do not require the official Scout pants.  However, official Scout pants are required for an Eagle Board of Review (but you don't need to purchase them now because you'll be three sizes larger by then).

Black troop neckerchief , slide, and red tabs (first set is given to you as a gift from the troop)

Troop t-shirt (first one is given to you; $6 for additonal/replacement t-shirts)

appropriate footwear for the activity



First Aid and Medicine Merit Badges

First Aid:

Requirement 2.b.:  Josh

Requirement 3a,b,c: Ben B. Ben D. Brian, Chandler, Chris, Cody, Colt, Dylan, Indy, Jim, Josh, Kevin, Mike R., Shane, Torrin

Requirement 3d: Ben B., Ben D., Cody, Indy, Jim, Josh, Kevin, Mike B., Mike R., Shane, Torrin

Requirement 4.a.: Ben B., Ben D., Cody, Indy, Jim, Josh, Kevin, Mike B., Mike R., Shane, Torrin

Requirement 6a and 6b:  Alex, Ben B., Ben D., Brian, Chandler, Chris, Cody, Dylan, Indy, Jim, Kevin, Torrin

Requirement 7: Ben B., Ben D., Cody, Indy, Jim, Josh, Kevin, Mike B., Mike R., Torrin



Requirement 1:  completed by all boys except: Brandon, Colt, Josh, Mike B., Mike R.

Requirement 2:  completed by all boys except: Brandon, Mike B.

Requirement 3:  completed by all boys except Forrest, Mike B.

Requirement 4: completed:  Torrin

Requirement 5:  completed:  Torrin

Requirement 6a and 6b:  completed by all boys except Forrest and Mike B.

Requirement 7a: completed: Ben B., Bobby; Brian, Cody, Forrest, Jaek, Justin, Kevin, Torrin

7b and 7c:  completed by all boys except Forrest and Mike B.

Requirement 8:

Requirement 9:  completed: Alex, Bobby, Brian, Chris, Forrest, Hunter, Justin, Josh

Requirement 10 (Healthy Kids Fair)

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Massasoit Camping Trip -- March 30 - April 1

This camping trip will focus on Scout skills for the new boys.  We are calling it Tenderfoot Palooza.  Older boys will be assigned skills to teach to the younger boys. 


The following boys are planning to attend the next weekend camping trip at Camp Massasoit.  




Bobby (PL)

Forrest (APL)







Mike B.

Mike R.


Kyle (PL)

Indy  (APL)

Ben B.

Ben D.








Adult Leaders/Chaperones:

Ms. Loggains

Mr. Loggains


Mr. Parent-Wetmore

Mrs. Ryan

Mr. Desmarais

Mr. Brostrop-Jensen or Ms. Wolf-Jensen

Ms. Leavitt or Mr. Palmborg





Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Summer Camp -- Camp Squanto

We will be attending summer camp at Camp Squanto the week of July 15 through July 21st.  Boys planning to attend (so far) are:

1. Ben D.

2. Bobby

3. Chandler

4. Cody

5. Dylan

6. Forrest

7. Hunter

8. Indy

9. Jim

10. Justin

11.  Kevin

12.  Michael B.

13.  Torrin

Monday, February 26, 2007

New Troop 95 Patrols and Patrol Leaders Council

 Patrol Leaders Council:

SPL: Hunter
ASPL: Justin
Stag PL: Bobby
Panther PL: Kyle


Here are the new Troop 95 Patrols:
Stag Patrol
Bobby (Patrol Leader)
Forrest (Asst. Patrol Leader)
Cody (Chaplain's Aid)
Jim (Troop Historian) 
Michael B.
Michael R. (Quartermaster)
Shane (Scribe)
Panther Patrol
Kyle  (Patrol Leader)
Indy (Asst. Patrol Leader)
Ben B.
Ben D.
Jake (Librarian)
Kevin (Quartermaster)
Torrin  (Scribe)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Congratulations to Kyle was has completed the Traffic Safety Merit Badge and Mike R. who has completed the Genealogy Merit Badge.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007



The following boys passed their recent Boards of Review and have earned the rank listed.  We will award their rank during the Court of Honor at the Red and Green/Blue and Gold:

Cody -- Second Class

Forrest -- First Class

Indy:  First Class

Jim -- First Class

Kevin -- First Class

Mike -- First Class

Shane -- First Class

Torrin -- First Class


In addition, Ben B. completed his requirements for his Scout rank.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Boards of Review Schedule

Saturday or Sunday at Camp:

Owen (Second Class)

Torrin (First Class)

Jim (First Class)

Forrest (First Class)


Monday during Troop Meeting:

Shane ( First Class)

Kevin  (First Class)

Indy (First Class)

Mike (First Class)

Communications Merit Badge

Bobby, Forrest, Hunter, Justin, and Kyle are working on the Communications Merit Badge.

Bobby and Justin have completed all the badge requirements.

Communication Merit Badge Requirements:

Requirements 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 have been completed by all five boys.

Requirement 3:  5 minute speech:  Forrest

Requirement 5:  attend a public meeting:  Hunter

Requirement 7:   Kyle needs to complete this requirement

Requirement 9:  Forrest, Hunter, and Kyle need to complete this

Monday, February 5, 2007


Congratulations to Hunter, Indy, Justin, and Forrest who have all completed both the Crime Prevention and the Traffic Saftey Merit Badges. 

Congratulations to Torrin who has completed the Family Life Merit Badge.

These badges will be awarded during the February Court of Honor.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

February Camping Trip-

The following boys are planning to attend the February camping trip at Camp Edith Read from Saturday, February 10th to Sunday, February 11th:

Ben B.










Mike R.




Ms. Loggains

Mr. Loggains

Ms. Parent-Wetmore

Mr. Galvin

Mr. Palmborg or Ms. Leavitt


Winter Camping Equipment List


____ BACKPACK (or large Sports Equipment Bag, or Duffel Bag). Line it with Lawn Bag first, to keep contents dry.



____ SNOW PANTS (available at thrift stores for $3-$5).


____ WOOL SWEATER, and/or POLAR FLEECE SWEATSHIRT (about $3 at Thrift Stores).

____ LONG SLEEVE SHIRT (Wool or synthetic fiber for good insulating quality & quick drying - $3 at thrift stores).

____ LONG UNDERWEAR (if buying new, buy 100% Polypropylene, NOT "waffle pattern" cotton blend).

____ 2 extra sets of UNDERWEAR

____ STURDY BOOTS (Rubber is better for winter than leather. Leather will get wet & freeze).

____ HEAVY SOCKS (bring at least two extra pairs) 

____ PLASTIC BAGS (newspaper or plastic grocery bags to go under socks in case of wet leather boots).

____ WINTER GLOVES or MITTENS (As many as you own and can borrow!)

____ 2 WARM HATS (One for Sleeping ONLY-Sleeping hat should be designed to stay on at night).

____ ADDITIONAL SWEAT PANTS & SWEAT SHIRT (for sleeping only!).

____ MESS-KIT (BOWL, CUP, FORK, SPOON, PLATE -- heavy-duty plastic is warmer than metal).


____ TOILET PAPER (Half a roll in a Zip-Lock bag).

____ SLIPPERS or MOCCASINS (To wear inside cabin)

____ PEN, PENCIL, SMALL NOTEPAD (No, you can't borrow ours).



____ CLEAN-UP KIT (Small Hand Soap, Small Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Comb, Floss, Towel).

____ SMALL FIRST AID KIT (You can make your own: BSA Handbook, Page 289).  

____ CLOSED-CELL FOAM “CAMPING”/SLEEPING PAD (if you plan to sleep in a tent), $10 at Wal-Mart.

____ POCKETKNIFE (Pocket knives are a privilege.  You may carry one only after you have earned the Totin' Chip.  New boys should bring their pocket knife in a ziploc bad and give it to a leader--it will be returned after you have earned your Totin' Chip.  Pocket knife privileges may be revoked for ANY unsafe practices.)

____ GOOD QUALITY WHISTLE on neck chain.

____ TENT

Monday, January 29, 2007

Public Speaking Merit Badge

Congratulations to the following boys who gave their major speeches today and completed their requirements for the Public Speaking Merit Badge:
The following boys completed the badge before the holiday break:
Boys who wish to deliver their final long speech should plan to do so soon.  Please make arrangements with me to schedule time during the meeting.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Troop Drug Prevention Program

Drug Prevention Troop Program

Bobby, Hunter, Kyle, Justin, and Forrest must each select one of the above to speak about during the next meeting.  Your presentations should be VERY short.  Please include at least one visual aid.

Other boys are free to choose one item also.  Respond on the blog or e-mail me. 

Rank Advancement and Merit Badges for February Court of Honor

Rank Advancement and Merit Badges Earned Since the June Court of Honor

Ben B.: Scout, Totin' Chip, Firem'n Chit

Bobby:  Music, Crime Prevention, Traffic Safety, Fingerprinting, Journalism, Public Speaking, Personal Fitness

Brandon:  Fingerprinting and Traffic Safety

Cody:  Tenderfoot, Second Class; Crime Prevention, Fingerprinting, Traffic Safety, Public Speaking, Oceanography, Engineering

Forrest: Second Class, First Class; Fingerprinting, Crime Prevention, First Aid, Crime Prevention, Traffic Safety

Hunter: Fingerprinting, Journalism, Public Speaking, Crime Prevention, Traffic Safety

Indy:  Second Class, First Class; Fingerprinting, Engineering, Crime Prevention, Traffic Safety

Jim:  Second Class, First Class; Crime Prevention, Traffic Safety, Fingerprinting, Wood Carving, Public Speaking

Justin:  Fingerprinting, Electricity, Crime Prevention, Traffic Safety

Kevin:  Second Class, First Class; Athletics, Crime Prevention, Fingerprinting, Traffic Safety, Electricity, Public Speaking, and Law

Kyle:  Life; Family Life, Personal Fitness, Crime Prevention, Traffic Safety, Fingerprinting, Public Speaking, Chemistry, and Law

Mike: Second Class, First Class; Sports, Crime Prevention, Fingerprinting, Traffic Safety, Public Speaking, Chemistry, Geneology, and Electricity

Shane:  Second Class, First Class; Crime Prevention, Traffic Safety, Fingerprinting, Art, Public Speaking

Torrin:  Second Class, First Class; Crime Prevention, Traffic Safety, Fingerprinting, Gardening, Citizenship in the Nation, Chemistry, Public Speaking, Family Life

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Congratulations to Kyle and Shane who were members of the Engineers of Tomorrow, the team that won the state FIRST LEGO League Robotics Competition, held on Saturday, January 13th at Roger Williams University in Bristol.

Troop 95 Schedule

Troop 95 Schedule

The schedule is subject to change--please check each week.

Monday, January 22nd:  Swim Outing (Second Class and First Class Requirements)

Monday, January 29th:  Regular Meeting (Speeches for Public Speaking and planning for camping trip)

Monday, February 5th:  Planning for Camping Trip and First Class First Aid

Saturday, February 10th - Sunday, February 11th -- Camping Trip (Camp Edith Read)

Sunday, February 11th-- Chandler moves up to the troop from Cumberland, RI pack

February 12th--Welcome New Scout--Chandler.  BORs and Regular Meeting, plan entertainment for Red and Green/Blue and Gold and Arrow of Light Ceremony for Pack 95 Webelos--Bring along board games (ones that can be played quickly).

February 19th--Presidents' Day -- No Meeting

February 24th--Red and Green/Blue and Gold 4 to 6 p.m.; Set-up at 3:15

February 26th--Regular Meeting--Welcome New Scouts--Ben, Josh, and Michael B.; Troop elections and new patrol assignments; begin work on Photography Merit Badge

March 5th--Regular Meeting--Photography Merit Badge/Scout Skills

March 12th -- Begin Work on First Aid and Medicine badges; Communications badge (older Scouts)

March 19th -- Regular Meeting

March 26th -- Plan for camping trip/Scout skills

March 30th - April 1st -- Camping Trip -- Tenderfoot Palooza

April 2nd -- Regular Meeting

April 9th -- Regular Meeting

April 16th--Patriots' Day -- No Meeting

April 23rd -- Regular Meeting

April 27 - 29 -- Boy Scout Camporee?

April 30th -- Regular Meeting

May 7th -- Meeting

May 14th -- Meeting

May 21st -- Meeting

May 28th -- Memorial Day--No Meeting

June 4th -- Picnic/Court of Honor

Merit Badge College

Troop 95 Merit Badge College 2007

Badges Earned:

Bobby:  Journalism

Brandon:  ?

Cody:  Oceanography and Engineering

Forrest:  First Aid

Hunter:  Journalism

Indy:  Oceanography

Jim:  Woodcarving

Justin:  Electricity

Kevin:  Electricity and Law

Kyle:  Chemistry and Law

Mike:  Electricity and Chemistry

Shane:  Art

Torrin:  Citizenship in the Nation and Chemistry


Brandon:  Aviation

Indy:  Engineering

Justin:  Auto Mechanics


