Tuesday, May 20, 2008

June 2008 Court of Honor

Next Round of Rank and Badges

The following boys have earned the rank, badges, and awards listed.  They will be presented at the next Court of Honor on June 9th.

Alex--Tenderfoot; Totin' Chip, Firem'n Chit; Sculpture, Indian Lore, Fire Safety; 1 year Boy Scout Service Star, 1 year BSA

Ben B.--First Class; Sculpture, Indian Lore, Fire Safety; 2 year Boy Scout Service Star, 2 years BSA

Ben D.-- First Class; Veterinary Medicine, Sculpture, Fire Safety, Bird Study; 1 year Boy Scout Service Star, 2 years BSA

Brandon--Sculpture, Fire Safety; 2-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 2-years BSA

Chandler-- First Class; Indian Lore, Graphic Arts, Sculpture, Bird Study; 1-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 6-years BSA

Chris--First Class; Sculpture, Bird Study; 2-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 4-years BSA

Colt--First Class; Sculpture, Bird Study, Fire Safety; 2-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 5-years BSA

Dylan--First Class; Sculpture, Swimming, Lifesaving, Fire Safety; 2-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 2-years BSA

Forrest--Star; Bird Study, Fire Safety, Sculpture; 3-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 7-years BSA

Hunter--Life; Sculpture, Fire Safety; 5-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 9-years BSA

Indy--Star; Sculpture, Fire Safety; 2-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 7-years BSA; OA Ordeal

Jake--Star; Sculpture; 4-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 8-years BSA

Jim--Star; Indian Lore, Fire Safety; 2-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 4-years BSA

Kevin--Star; Sculpture, Fire Safety; 3-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 4-years BSA

Kyle--Sculpture; 4-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 4-years BSA

Michael B.--1-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 3-years BSA

Michael R.--Star; Sculpture, Horsemanship, Graphic Arts, Indian Lore, Fire Safety, Bird Study; 3-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 5-years BSA

Owen--Star; Sculpture, Indian Lore, Graphic Arts, Fire Safety; 2-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 3-years BSA; OA Ordeal

Robert--Sculpture, Indian Lore, Graphic Arts, Fire Safety; 5-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 10-years BSA

Shane--Star; Sculpture, Pets, Coin Collecting, Fire Safety; 2-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 4-years BSA

Torrin-- Star; Sculpture, Fire Safety, Indian Lore ; 3-year Boy Scout Service Star/ 5-years BSA

Monday, May 19, 2008

The following is the Troop 95 Spring Schedule for the remaining weeks of the Scout year:

Monday, May 26th:  No Meeting (Memorial Day)

Monday, June 2nd: 

12:20:  Patrol Leaders Council

1:00     Regular Meeting:  "Hodge Podge" -- wrapping up lots of stuff, BORs

Monday, June 9th:  Last Meeting of the Scout Year:  Court of Honor, Friends of Scouting, Snack Banquet, and Closing




Summer Camp at Camp Squanto:  July 13th -July 19th

First Meeting of the Fall:  Monday, September 15th

Nickerson State Park Campout-- September 25th - 27th

Fire Safety Merit Badge

Visit to the Attleboro Fire Department

Union Street Station

May 2008

The following boys have completed the Fire Safety Merit Badge:

Alex, Ben B., Ben D., Brandon, Indy, , Michael, Owen, Robert

The following boys need to complete the following reqs:

Chandler: reqs missed

Chris: fire plan/fire drill

Colt: fire plan/fire drill

Dylan: fire plan/fire drill

Forrest:  needs fire station visit and fire plan/fire drill

Jake: fire plan/fire drill

Jim: fire plan/fire drill

Kyle: fire plan/fire drill


Shane: fire plan/fire drill

Torrin: fire plan/fire drill

Back Row:  Robert, Brandon, Kevin, Colt, Hunter, Dylan, Kyle

Middle Row:  Michael, Alex, Indy, Jim, Owen, Jake

Front Row:  Chris, Shane, Ben B., Torrin, Ben D., Chandler


Kyle, Kevin, and Brandon learning about the heat sensor




Chris and Shane checking out the fire truck


Torrin checking out the ladders


Indy checking out the oxygen gear


Ben B., Chandler, and Ben D. in the ambulance




  Alex, Michael, Jim












  Robert and Kyle




Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bird Study Merit Badge

The following boys need to complete the requirements listed to complete the MB:

Alex:  finish bird feeder; observe 20 different bird species

Ben B.: finish bird feeder; observe 20 different bird species

Ben D.: complete

Chris:  observe 20 different bird species

Colt:  observe 20 different bird species

Forrest:  observe 20 different bird species

Jim:  finish bird feeder; observe 20 different bird species

Michael:  complete

Robert:  hike or Christmas Count work; observe 20 different bird species

Friday, May 16, 2008

Camp Buxton -- May 2008


Alex (who completed his Tenderfoot requirements during the camping trip)


Michael and Ben B.








Ben B.










Ben D.


Home Sweet Home

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Merit Badge College 2008


Ben B., Ben D., Chandler, Indy

Torrin, Kevin, Michael, Owen

Shane, Hunter, Robert, Chris, Kyle

Rhode Island College -- January 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Before they were Boy Scouts...

...they were Cub Scouts

Hunter and Bobby at the Cub Scout Car Wash -- Summer of 2001

Monday, May 12, 2008

Spring Camping List Checklist


____ BACKPACK (or large Sports Equipment Bag, or Duffel Bag). Line it with Lawn Bag first, to keep contents dry.





____ LONG SLEEVE SHIRT (Wool or synthetic fiber for good insulating quality & quick drying).

____ 1 extra set of UNDERWEAR



____ SOCKS (bring at least two extra pairs) 

____ 1 or 2 HATS (One for Sleeping ONLY-Sleeping hat should be designed to stay on at night).

____ ADDITIONAL SWEAT PANTS & SWEATSHIRT (for sleeping only!).

____ MESS-KIT (BOWL, CUP, FORK, SPOON, PLATE -- heavy-duty plastic is warmer than metal).


____ TOILET PAPER (Half a roll in a Zip-Lock bag).

____ PEN, PENCIL, SMALL NOTEPAD (No, you can't borrow ours).



____ CLEAN-UP KIT (Small Hand Soap, Small Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Comb, Floss, Towel).

____ SMALL FIRST AID KIT (You can make your own: BSAHandbook, Page 289).  

____ CLOSED-CELL FOAM “CAMPING”/SLEEPING PAD (if you plan to sleep in a tent)

____ POCKETKNIFE (Pocket knives are a privilege.  You may carry one only after you have earned the Totin' Chip.  New boys should bring their pocket knife in a ziploc bad and give it to a leader--it will be returned after you have earned your Totin' Chip.  Pocket knife privileges may be revoked for ANY unsafe practices.)

____ GOOD QUALITY WHISTLE on neck chain.

____ TENT

Monday, May 5, 2008

Graphic Arts Merit Badge

Complete the following and bring it to the May 12th Scout meeting.

  1. Design a printed piece (flier, T-shirt, program, form, etc.) and produce it (you may choose anything you wish -- just keep it appropriate). Explain your decisions for the typeface or typefaces you use and the way you arrange the elements in your design. Explain which printing process is best suited for printing your design. If desktop publishing is  available, identify what hardware and software would be appropriate for outputting your design. then print FIVE copies.  The requirement calls for printing out 50, but I am using my Scoutmaster's prerogative to not be wasteful.  Five copies should be plenty.
2.  Visit three Web sites (with your parent's permission)  that belong to graphic arts professional organizations and/or printing-related companies (suppliers, manufacturers, printers): With permission from your parent or counselor, print out or download  product or service information from two of the sites.

Fire Safety Merit Badge Assignment

If you have not done so already:
1.  Conduct a home safety survey with the help of an adult.

2.  Draw a home fire-escape plan, create a home fire-drill schedule, and conduct a home fire drill.


The following boys should give a SHORT presentation on the items listed:

Chandler:  List common circumstances that cause holiday-related fires and explain how these fires can be prevented.

Colt:  Name the products of combustion. Give an example of how fire grows and what happens.  
Dylan:  Explain the role of human behavior in the arson problem in this country.
Jake:  Choose a fire safety-related career that interests you and describe the level of education required and responsibilities of a person in that position. Tell why this position interests you. 
Jim:  Explain how you would report a fire alarm.  

Fire Safety Merit Badge

The following boys have completed the requirements listed for the Fire Safety Merit Badge:

Alex:  needs fire station visit and fire plan/fire drill

Ben B.: needs fire station visit and fire plan/fire drill

Ben D.: needs fire station visit

Brandon: needs fire station visit and fire plan/fire drill


Chris: 1a, 2, 3, 4b, 6b,c,e,f,g, h, 7a, b, 8, 9a, 10, 12

Colt: 1a, 2, 3, 4b, 6b,c,e,f,g, h, 7a,b, 8, 9a, 10, 12

Dylan: 1a, 2, 3, 4b, 6b,c,e,f,g, h, 7a,b, 8, 9a, 10, 12

Forrest:  needs fire station visit and fire plan/fire drill

Hunter: 1a, 2, 3, 4b, 6a,b,c,e,f,g,h, 7a,b, 8, 9a, 10, 12

Indy: needs fire station visit

Jake: needs fire station visit and fire plan/fire drill


Kevin: 1a, 2, 3, 4b, 6b,c,e,f,g,h, 7a,b, 8, 9a, 10, 12

Kyle: 1a, 2, 3, 4b, 6b,c,e,f,g,h, 7a,b, 8, 9a, 10, 12

Michael R.: needs fire station visit and fire plan/fire drill

Owen: needs fire station visit

Robert: needs fire station visit

Shane: 1a, 2, 3, 4b, 6b,c,e,f,g,h, 7a,b, 8, 9a, 10, 12

Torrin: needs fire station visit and fire plan/fire drill

