Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Free Uniform Items for Troop 95 Boys

Size 12-regular pair of olive green cargo pants from Old Navy.  They are still in excellent condition.  If anybody is interested, they can email Lisa C. and she will bring them to the next scout meeting.  First Come – First Served!
Boys's size large tan Scout shirt.  It is free to a good home.  You would need to remove the rank and old patrol patch (it also has the Arrow of Light badge under the pocket which could either stay on if you earned the A of L or be removed if you did not).  Let Nan know if you could use it.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Red and Green -Blue and Gold - Arrow of Light - Court of Honor

Mark Your Calendars!
I was able to reserve the Scout House for late Saturday afternoon, February 24th from 4 to 6 p.m. (with set-up and clean-up before and after) for the Second Annual Troop 95 - Pack 95 Red and Green - Blue and Gold - Arrow of Light - Court of Honor.  Please be sure to reserve the time.  Ben and Joshua  will be graduating to the troop.  We will also recognize Chandler who will be joining our troop after having completed his Cub Scout career in Cumberland, RI (his Arrow of Light Ceremony will be held a few weeks prior to ours).  We can decide later whether we want to have a pot luck or pizza and salad.  I hope everyone will be able to attend (families are invited).  If we decide on pizza, there will be a per person cost for the pizza (of course, we'll need to round up because we wouldn't charge our invited guests--probably several people from council).  I hope that a number of parents can volunteer to organize this year's event.  Volunteers?

Troop Update

Congratulations to Kyle who earned Life today.  Earning LIfe is a great accomplishment on the Eagle Trail.
Congratulations to the following boys who gave their major speeches today and completed their requirements for the Public Speaking Merit Badge:
The next opportunity to deliver your major speech will be on January 29th.
We will NOT be swimming on January 8th.  Instead, Phil Rozek, who is now registered with our troop as an assistant scoutmaster, will be working with the Second Class and below boys on lashings.  This is a very important requirement for First Class.  Phil is an Eagle Scout and has far more experience than I do with lashings.  Please make every effort to attend the meeting on the 8th.  In order to have your First Class BOR in February, you must complete the lashing requirements. Scout and Tenderfoot boys can also complete them and be ahead of the game.
We will be swimming (Second Class and First Class Requirements) at the YMCA in Attleboro on Monday, January 22nd from 2:30 to 3:30.  This is the only opportunity you will have to complete these requirements until spring.  If you are unable to attend the swimming meeting on January 22nd, it will delay your First Class or Second Class BORs. 
Thank you to Mrs. Rissmeyer for all of the work she put in serving as merit badge counselor for the public speaking badge.  It was wonderful to see the progress the boys made in just one month.
Thanks for bringing the snacks for our holiday refreshment buffet.
All of the boys who sang last week at the nursing home will be credited with one hour of service.
Thanks to Mike, Indy, and Torrin who labeled, sorted, and bagged dozens of gifts for Christmas Is for Kids, a toy and clothing drive for needy children in the Attleboro area.  Each boy recieved three hours of service towards their Citizenship in the Community badge.  Mike also helped unload groceries for the Murray Church food pantry this past Saturday. 
See everyone on January 8th.  I will send out an e-mail several days before.  If the weather continues to be unusually warm, we will hold the meeting at Capron Park (if not, we'll meet at the Scout House).
Have a safe and enjoyable holiday. 

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Snacks for Meeting

We'll have refreshments at the end of Monday's meeting.

Please sign up for what you can bring--click on the response section to checkout what others are bringing.  We do not currently have anyone with food allergies.

We'll need:

beverages--Torrin (drinks and cups)

paper napkins, plastic forks, paper plates

sweet snacks--Owen (Rice Krispie Treats)

salty snacks

Monday, December 4, 2006

Major Speech Schedule for Public Speaking Badge

Speech Schedule:

Bobby--December 18th

Hunter--December 18th

Jim--December 18th

Kyle--December 18th

Mike--December 18th

Shane--December 18th

Owen--December 18th

Torrin--December 18th

Indy--January 22nd

Kevin--January 22nd

Forrest--January 22nd






Rank Advancement

Congratulations to Shane Inman who earned Second Class today.

Congratulations to Owen Galvin who earned Tenderfoot today.

Scouting for Food

The following boys participated in Scouting for Food.  This counts as one activity towards Second Class and/or First Class.  Boys will also be receiving am award pin (they're being designed this year by someone in council).








Any others?

Public Speaking Merit Badge Update

The following boys have completed  Requirements 1-3 and 5 for the Public Speaking Merit Badge:












Sunday, December 3, 2006

Troop Tour Permit

We need the following information from everyone for our tour permit.


Year, Make, and Model of Vehicle

Owner's Name

Driver's License Number

Public Liability (dollar amount for each person and each accident)

Property damage (dollar amount of coverage)


Please do NOT post this information on the blog.  E-mail me separately or bring the information to the next meeting.

Troop T-Shirts

I've been making the troop t-shirts and sweatshirts for the past several years.  We give each new boy a t-shirt when he joins the troop.  After that we charge $5 for each additional shirt.  Boys may also bring a black sweatshirt and have a patch ironed on (for about $1).  Is there someone who would be willing to take over this task?  We need six t-shirts for the new boys and the boys who have recently joined the troop. 
I can send along the design.  The volunteer needs Power Point and an ink jet printer.  Advanced ironing skills are not necessary.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Camping Trip--Footwear and Pots and Pans

Please be sure to bring an extra pair of shoes and at least two extra pairs of socks.  You will be going on a hike (NO SANDALS OR OPEN TOED SHOES PERMITTED.)


Also, we will need several large pots and pans.  These should be old and something you don't care about if they are burned beyond recognition.


We are having two Webelos guests (Forrest's brother and his buddy) visit us on Saturday.  They'll be checking out the troop (they will be moving up to Boy Scouts in a few months).

Tuesday, November 28, 2006



American Business: Nan Loggains

American Culture:  Nan Loggains

American Heritage:  Nan Loggains

Animal Science:  Carol Cherry

Archery:  Allen Parent-Wetmore

Art:  Allen Parent- Wetmore

Athletics:  Lisa Cutler, Tim Cutler

Astronomy:  Lisa Beaulieu

Backpacking:  Tim Cutler

Basketry:  Lisa Cutler

Bird Study:  Lisa Beaulieu

Camping:  Jim Loggains

Chemistry:  Lisa Beaulieu

Citizenship in the Community:  Nan Loggains

Citizenship in the Nation:  Nan Loggains

Citizenship in the World:  Nan Loggains

Coin Collecting:  Jim Loggains

Collections:  Jim Loggains

Communications:  Jim Loggains

Computers:  Allen Parent-Wetmore, Lisa Beaulieu, Jim Loggains

Cooking:  Cathy Ryan

Crime Prevention: Gary Flood

Cycling:  Lisa Cutler, Tim Cutler

Dog Care:  Pat Inman

Emergency Preparedness:  Phil Rozek

Environmental Science:  Phil Rozek

Family Life:  Karyn Frink

Fingerprinting:  Gary Flood

Fish and Wildlife Management: Cathy Ryan

Fishing: Peter Galvin

First Aid:  Michelle Parent-Wetmore

Gardening:  Cathy Ryan

Genealogy:  Cathy Ryan

Golf:  Phil Frink

Graphic Arts:  Allen Parent-Wetmore

Hiking:  Lisa Cutler, Tim Cutler

Horsemanship:  Carla Rissmeyer

Indian Lore:  Karyn Frink

Mammal Study:  Carol Cherry

Medicine:  Michelle Parent-Wetmore

Music:  Jim Loggains

Nature:  Karyn Frink

Painting:  Cathy Ryan

Personal Fitness:  Pat Inman

Personal Management:  Jim Loggains

Pets:  Cathy Ryan

Photography:  Phil Frink, Jessie Leavitt

Plant Science:  Mary Ann Bloomer

Plumbing:  Tim Cutler

Public Speaking: Carla Rissmeyer

Reading: Pat Inman

Reptile and Amphibian Study: Nan Loggains

Safety:  Gary Flood

Scholarship:  Cathy Ryan

Skating:  Mary Ann Bloomer

Shotgun:  Jon Rozek

Sports:  Lisa Cutler

Traffic Safety:  Gary Flood

Swimming:  Nan Loggains

Weather:  Lisa Beaulieu


Merit Badges

Merit Badges that have been earned, but not yet presented:

Traffic Safety:















Monday, November 27, 2006

Troop 95 Schedule--December and January

December 4th:  Regular Meeting (Tan Uniform).  Continue work on Public Speaking Merit Badge with Ms. Rissmeyer.  Be sure to prepare your three to five minute speech on a subject of your choice.

For December 4th, please prepare a three- to five-minute talk on a topic of your choice that incorporates body language and visual aids. 


BORs for Shane (Second Class) and Owen (Tenderfoot).  Lisa B. has volunteered to serve on the Board.  We still need two or three additonal parents to serve.


December 11th:  Annual Caroling at Ridgewood Court Nursing Home (27 George Street in Attleboro--take Park Street past Sturdy Hospital, turn right onto George Street, the nursing home is one block down on your right).  Meet in the lobby at 1:15 p.m.  Tan Uniform.


December 18th:  Continue work on Public Speaking badge.  Holiday refreshments during the last third of the meeting (in lieu of a full scale party).


December 25th and January 1st:  Holiday Break.  No meetings.


January 8th:  Wrap-up Public Speaking and/or First Class Skills


January 15th:  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No Meeting)


Saturday, January 20th:  Merit Badge College


January 22nd:  First Aid/Communications


January 29th:  First Aid/Communications


Camping Trip--Bring Along ONE Board Game

It might be chilly and rainy during the camping trip.  Please bring along ONE board game to play (it should be a game for two or more people). Nothing electronic, please.  Also, Scout rules do not permit gambling--so no poker (even just for fun).

Camping Trip Rules Reminder

Troop 95 Camping Trip Rules

There is absolutely no teasing, hazing, bullying, or disrespectful behavior permitted.

Older Scouts should help younger Scouts. 

All boys must adhere to a quiet time.  This may be hard for you to imagine, but the parents need a bit of downtime in the evening.  The Scoutmaster will set the quiet time.  The Junior Leaders (Hunter, Bobby, Kyle, and Justin) will enforce the quiet time.

No destruction of food (more than $12 worth of cereal was purposely damaged on the last campout).

Use the Buddy System.

Be safe.

Have fun.


December Camping Trip--Camp Norse

The December camping trip will be held at Camp Norse from Friday evening, December 1st (you shouldn't arrive before 5 p.m.) until Sunday morning, December 3rd.  The patrols will be cooking their own food and food for the leaders and parents.

We need a minimum of four parents per night.

Here's what we have so far:

Friday evening:







Saturday evening:




John (if John can stay then Michelle would only need to stay over on Friday night)




Dress warmly and in layers.


Bring firewood if possible.

Please remember to bring your own beverages and snacks.

There is no dinner on Friday evening, but we will have a cracker barrel (group snacks--you might want to bring along something to share).  Cracker barrels are traditionally healthier snacks--cheese, crackers, fruit, and the like (something to tide you over until morning).

Public Speaking Merit Badge

The following boys have completed Requirements 1 and 2:













Completed Requirement 1 (Introduction):


December 4th Boards of Review

Shane (Second Class)

Owen  (Tenderfoot)


We will hold the BORs during the regular meeting time.  We need three or four parents to serve on the Boards.  Volunteers?

Monday, September 18, 2006

Crime Prevention Merit Badge Record

Traffic Safety Merit Badge









Forrest (accidents and signs)

Jim (items missed when he had to miss meeting)

Justin   (accidents and signs)

Kyle (accidents and signs)

Shane  (accidents and signs)

Brandon (accidents and signs)

Hunter   (accidents and signs)

Indy  (accidents and signs)



Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Troop 95

Troop 95 will meet at Capron Park on Monday, September 18th at 1 p.m.  Wear troop t-shirts, shorts or sweatpants, and sneakers.  We will be administering the baseline fitness test for the Personal Fitness Merit Badge (an Eagle badge).  In the event of rain, we will meet at the Scout House instead.


Bring along your crime/crime prevention news stories (or you may e-mail them to me).  Be prepared to share one of your stories with your patrol. 


Meet near the picnic tables adjacent to the playground.


Bring WATER and your Scout handbooks.



